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LA Fire Bombshell: Alex Jones & Elon Musk’s Prediction That Gavin Newsom Would Steal Homeowners’ Property & Build UN-Backed 15-Minute City High-Rises Has Come True!

Governor Gavin Newsom has officially announced a plan to steal everyone’s property as well as the federal aid money to build a nightmare UN smart city on its ashes!

Alex Jones calls on President Trump to launch a federal criminal investigation against this insane power-grab by the psychotic leftist death cult!

LA Fire Bombshell: Alex Jones & Elon Musk’s Prediction That Gavin Newsom Would Steal Homeowners’ Property & Build UN-Backed 15-Minute City High-Rises Has Come True! Image Credit: Mario Tama / Staff / Getty

Watch & share this special report where Alex Jones officially asks President Trump to launch a federal criminal investigation into this insane power-grab by the psychotic leftist death cult:

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