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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Federal Judge In Texas Explodes After Biden-Era DOJ Officials Ask Him To Illegally Close InfoWars! The Democrat Deep State’s Lawfare Against Alex Jones & InfoWars Is Now Under Investigation by Trump’s DOJ!

Please watch & share this critical deep dive into the desperate Deep State’s attempt to silence America’s #1 populist news organization!

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Federal Judge In Texas Explodes After Biden-Era DOJ Officials Ask Him To Illegally Close InfoWars! The Democrat Deep State’s Lawfare Against Alex Jones & InfoWars Is Now Under Investigation by Trump’s DOJ! Image Credit: arsenisspyros / Getty

Watch & share this breaking update from Alex Jones on Infowars’ legal battle against the Deep State that includes the definitive crash course on never-before-heard behind-the-scenes history of this ongoing saga for the survival of America’s #1 populist news organization:

Top Election Fraud Investigator Has Successfully Reverse Engineered How The Democrat Deep State Is Funding Their Shadow Government, Stealing Elections, & Destabilizing America Using Advanced AI Fractal Mapping Systems / Public IRS Documents
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