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BREAKING: General Flynn Shares With Alex Jones Credible High-Level Intel That The Desperate Deep State Has Been Caught Discussing The Assassination Of Alex Jones & Other Leading Trump Supporters

Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency warns plotters their operation has been EXPOSED from the inside & they will face justice!

Flynn adds: ‘Arrogance will be their downfall & their days of doing whatever they want and getting away with it are OVER!’

BREAKING: General Flynn Shares With Alex Jones Credible High-Level Intel That The Desperate Deep State Has Been Caught Discussing The Assassination Of Alex Jones & Other Leading Trump Supporters Image Credit:

Former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency General Michael Flynn joined The Alex Jones Show Wednesday to break the latest on how the Deep State has been caught discussing the assassination of Alex Jones & other leading Trump supporters.

Moreover, Flynn went on to send a message to the plotters: Their operation has been exposed from the inside and they will face justice.

“You have your foot soldiers and then you have your commanders. So who are the commanders above them? I want them to know that we are getting really, really close here. 

I just want to warn those that are talking about this and discussing the threats to you (Jones). That are actually talking about threatening you or threatening me or threatening others, that there are people out there that are in those networks that are exposing THEM. It doesn’t mean they’re going to give up, it doesn’t mean that they’re going to walk away from this. I want [the people involved in this to know] there are enough good people still that are in our system, and frankly there’s a lot of capabilities that we have that don’t require all the government access that the National Security Agency has or the CIA has, there’s a lot of security companies that have great capabilities that are able to really dig in to some of these assholes. 

I want them to know that I’m warning them, I’m not warning them as a threat to their lives, I’m warning them as a threat to their livelihood. Because [if] you get caught up in this, you’re going to be exposed and you’ll be held accountable. And that’s what my ultimate goal is.

These people have got to understand that are out there doing this: If you’re part of it, you’re going to be exposed and you’re already starting to get exposed. because, as I’m prone to say, arrogance will be their downfall. And many of these people that we’re talking about have big egos, they’re very arrogant, and they think they can do whatever they want to do. 

All those days OVER.

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Flynn’s interview on today’s broadcast came on the heels of Jones shooting an emergency report this morning saying the former DIA head called Infowars to raise alarm that there are high-level Intel sources reporting on a credible assassination plot against the radio host.

Hours before that, Jones gave a vital breakdown on more high-level intel warning him of a transnational operation targeting him for death.

Be sure to watch & share Jones’ followup emergency report:

We are deeply saddened to inform you that InfoWars Reporter Jamie White was brutally murdered around midnight Sunday night due, in part, to the policies of the Soros Austin, TX D.A. Jose Garza
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