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Exclusive Footage: Conor McGregor Continues White House Rampage Against Irish Government Over Mass Migration Catastrophe

"The metrics show they have failed the people of Ireland. They do not represent the people of Ireland."

Exclusive Footage: Conor McGregor Continues White House Rampage Against Irish Government Over Mass Migration Catastrophe Image Credit: Wid Lyman | Border Hawk

MMA superstar Conor McGregor unloaded on Ireland’s government during a visit to the White House on Monday, warning that his home country is being intentionally destroyed by mass migration.

Immigration news outlet Border Hawk was on scene when the fighter ripped globalist leadership in Dublin on multiple occasions on St. Patrick’s Day.

“I speak on the metrics and the metrics show they have failed the people of Ireland. They do not represent the people of Ireland. God bless Ireland and God bless America,” McGregor stated outside the Oval Office.

Earlier in the day, McGregor issued a stern warning to those of Irish descent in the U.S.

“What is going on in Ireland is a travesty. Our government is the government of zero action with zero accountability,” he said. “The illegal immigration racket is running ravage on the country. There are rural towns in Ireland that have been overrun in one swoop. They have become a minority in one swoop.”

“Issues need to be addressed. And 40 million Irish Americans need to hear this, because if not, there will be no place to come home and visit.”

InfoWars frequently covers population replacement and the engineered invasion of Ireland.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: See the Never Aired Interview With Murdered Infowars Reporter Jamie White From December 11, 2022

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