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The Vital Force of a Nation

A nation has a vital force. It is a collective organism comprised of the expressions and interactions of all the individual vital forces it contains. An epidemic disease is one that acts upon the group, as if it were one organism. The vital force of this nation has been suffering a serious chronic disease, and that disease is the word for disease itself: corruption. 

Many people will tell you that global Covid totalitarianism won, that while the techno-globalists didn’t get everything they wanted, they weren’t categorically rejected. I believe those people are mistaken about what’s happening.

The Vital Force of a Nation Image Credit: ChamilleWhite / Getty

In 2020, I was in shock. In 2021, I was grieving. The country I had believed I lived in, had taken so deeply for granted that I glibly mocked and criticized its flaws without a moment’s conscious gratitude for its greatness, turned out to not exist (so I thought), and in its place I found a craven, compliant, collectivist monstrosity of sententious authoritarians and puritannical, neurotic bullies.

Where I had expected there to be cowboys, I found hall monitors instead. I realized that the America of my mind was a real place that I really loved, and I wept for my loss. While I maintained my belief that the pain of the Covid era was simply one of many possible faces of the inevitable crisis of a culture attenuated beyond integrity and destined for cataclysm, and even as I knew Covid did not break the world, but broke it open, I knelt and wept amongst the ashes and the ruins. 

But in the winter of 2025, I realized I had been mistaken about what I was seeing. To reference Scott Adams of Dilbert fame, I had called the game at halftime.

Yes, I was observing a death. But it was a death in the way that the birth of the baby is the death of the maiden, and the emergence of the mother; in the way that death of innocence is the birth of wisdom. 

A nation has a vital force. It is a collective organism comprised of the expressions and interactions of all the individual vital forces it contains. An epidemic disease is one that acts upon the group, as if it were one organism. The vital force of this nation has been suffering a serious chronic disease, and that disease is the word for disease itself: corruption. 

When the vital force suffers an insult, it seeks to right itself, and that effort is expressed through symptoms. If those symptoms are effectively suppressed, rather than met with an appropriate remedy, they do not disappear. They just move deeper into the organism. For over 200 years, this country has been in varying degrees of tension between the efforts of patriots to throw off the disease, (I’m defining “patriot” here as a person who is truly acting in the best interest of what I perceive to be the core values of a vital nation, the defense of which will lead to greater individual and overall vitality within the nation) and usurpers, which I define as those who obtain power in the interest of a competing, incompatible, and inferior set of values. I favor cowboys over hall monitors.

(All inspiration is on a continuum. There is nothing new under the sun. I’ve synthesized this argument from the absorption of so many influences, large and small, that the attempt to credit any would just serve to alienate others.)

Every subtle or aggressive suppression from whatever source – politicians, judges, the press academics, bureaucrats, etc. – has driven the corruption deeper and metastasized the chronic disease to the point where the healing has appeared doubtful. 

But something happened in 2016.

If we look at the election of 2016 as a clash of symbols, it can be interpreted as follows: Hillary Clinton represented rule by self-described, self-absorbed, self-important elites, who, while clearly murderously corrupt, were, business-as-usual, a known entity, a kind of murderous corruption with deep roots across the aisle and into the past. 

For her supporters, she may be a monster, but she’s our monster. Just don’t ask too many uncomfortable questions, and you won’t have to shoot yourself in the back with your own shotgun. Capisce? It’s not your money, see? And all these poor foreign kids aren’t your business, all right? 

Her opponent, Trump, could be seen by his supporters as representing the outside, the rogue, the loose cannon populist, whose gimlet instincts for marketing and dealing could be turned to genuine public advantage by harnessing his astounding ego to the achievement of those goals. He might be boorish, crass, and vulgar, but he mocked many who deserved mockery, did not appear to have any suicidal friends, and those poor foreign kids never stood a chance, anyway.

He was going to drain the swamp, be a loose-talking angel of vengeance who would unshackle all of those who felt deeply screwed over by the business-as-usual crowd and were willing to bet on the wild card. The machine didn’t recognize the threat that he was. What happened next, I didn’t entirely understand at first.

During Trump’s first term, I was unimpressed with him, but I was amazed, astounded even, by the power of the deep machine. I hadn’t been sure whether Trump was a danger to it or not, but it was immediately clear that the mastery of those hidden institutions is in their ability to pivot and neutralize threats.

Whether he posed one or not, he wasn’t going to be allowed to do anything. And what he did do was unimpressive until it culminated in the utter disaster of elevating Fauci and Birx to prominence and virtually limitless influence and authority. The election of 2020 was a soft coup, and, frankly, it was hard to sympathize after the nightmare of lockdowns, Warp Speed, and the CARES Act.

If you come riding in, on swamp draining, and then appoint John Bolton, I won’t cry to see you ride back out. 

What I did not understand when he was in office the first time was something fascinating that was happening. Trump was the stronger, similar disease, and a process had begun that could not be reversed.

Unlike in the field of homeopathy, where we find the minimum effective dose to nudge the vital force into a healing response, he was crude medicine. Bigger, louder, more bombastic than anything else on the stage; whatever the people who hated him accused him of, whether it was dishonesty, cronyism, coarseness, or disgrace, his very existence brought it out in his detractors.

The full court press intended to distract, derail, and destroy him (successfully, initially), which persisted until he was reinaugurated in 2025 (and persists still), began inadvertently triggering the entire archipelago of ruling and narrative-shaping institutions to vomit their filth from the balconies of their once impregnable palaces. The louder and shriller their attacks, the uglier they appeared. His visage made them act insane, saying quiet part after quiet part out loud.

From the pathetic but persistent Russiagate yammer, to the laughable Steele dossier, to the prestitutional malpractice of debunking Hunter Biden’s laptop, the grotesquerie of the wounded and thrashing beast was openly visible to anyone who was willing to step off the plantation of the handmaiden media outlets. We now know they were the alveoli in the lungs of the monster, mixing the oxygen of narrative with the circulating blood of money, themselves dependent on the beatings of that rotten heart.

It was an oozing, erupting, appalling discharge of disease symptoms. Suppressing it was not going to be sustainable. The dose had been too strong. 

In homeopathy, the practitioner matches the smallest dose necessary of the stronger similar disease in order to stimulate the vital force and initiate a healing process. The remedy is not the cure. The cure is generated by the vital force. We use minute doses because we wish to avoid huge aggravations.

(The vital force is powerful, and the more intense the suppression has been, the more garbage it has to clear out. Slow and steady is the goal. Two years after I had a bone marrow transplant as treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a process which had taken place over the course of four years and involved tremendous suppression of the immune system and aggressive use of antiviral drugs, I accidentally pushed myself into an enormous aggravation, an 8-week bout of shingles that inundated me with pain and very nearly stripped me of my sanity. But when it ended, I was healed of something much deeper than the shingles.) 

Heading into 2021, with the hysteria building, an opportunity, created, exploited, or both, presented itself to try to suppress the aggravation that Trump was inducing. Covid would be the means of channeling the frantic Resistance back into power with a foolproof focus for their Puritanism and panic. The powerful institutions that felt threatened by Trump would plunge the world into global totalitarian control, break the threatening opposing forces of organic social cohesion, round up or eradicate those troublesome cowboys, and build it all back better. 

No one has to orchestrate this from a cigar-smoke-filled backroom. Suppressing uncomfortable symptoms is the medicine of our people. Our cradle-to-grave Pharma-Medico-Industrial complex is the most effective sales funnel in the history of the world. Doctors can say, “This will definitely be miserable, may do permanent damage, might not even work, and makes you statistically more likely to suffer similarly in the future. And it will cost your life savings, and then some.” And people sign right up.

It wasn’t difficult to unload that magnitude of oppression on Americans. We are susceptible to it in our story of our Stoicism. When told this is going to hurt, but just hunker down and get through it, the American organism acquiesces, but only if everyone can be forced to participate. 

Because the line that runs down the center of us all, dividing the evil from the good, divides the cowboy and the hall monitor, too. And the hall monitor doesn’t need to be told twice to mask up, stay home, and stay safe, and make sure everybody else does, too. Covid could have been anything. The moment was ripe, and that was the vector. Everything from the first Covid precautions, through the soft coup, and the installation of Biden, seemed to be working.

The suppression appeared to be effective. The vital force of the country got shoved back into its box, and a lot of people started calling the game at halftime. There were moments when I was tempted to be one of them, as I have said. 

I’m not hedging my bets right now, I’m going all in. I’m convinced something very big and very good is happening, on the level of the vital response. The remedy is a stronger similar disease. There will be real challenges. Many, perhaps most, people, whether or not they realize it, would rather stay sick than give up the familiar pain, and suppression sings a siren song. After all, with a few notable exceptions, most of the drugs that many Americans take are not forced on them. They choose them. 

The most challenging part of homeopathic practice is not making that first prescription. It’s not finding the remedy. It’s understanding the remedy response, and knowing when to redose. The vital force will communicate, to a skillful observer, what it needs. It will ask for the stronger, similar disease.

Many people will tell you that global Covid totalitarianism won, that while the techno-globalists didn’t get everything they wanted, they weren’t categorically rejected. I believe those people are mistaken about what’s happening.

Yes, there are still a lot of tentacles, terrifyingly many structures in place. But anything short of total dominance was a catastrophic failure for the globalist effort. In attempting to take too much territory, the participating institutions exposed themselves. By the end of 2020, these institutions were expecting to run a hidden, governing cabal behind a puppet figurehead indefinitely, and instead, before the end of Q1 2025, there are open, vigorous conversations going on about the merits of slashing entire government agencies and tax money laundering operations, from USAID to the IRS to the Department of Education to the public health apparatus. The collusion, the censorship, the greed, the slime, the cruelty, and the disdain for the people they purported to serve, of those that have had the audacity to consider themselves our betters, has been laid bare.

In homeopathy, we have a strict definition of cure, which is to restore the sick to health. And we have a definition of health, which is to be free in our reason-gifted mind to employ this healthy organism to the highest purpose of its existence. In 2024, the vital force expressed itself through the will of people who said that this status quo is not the highest purpose of our existence.

The remedy is not the cure. The remedy reveals the cure. And it is up to the vital force to manifest that cure. The remedy is inspiration. We are now in a time where much is being revealed, and much is falling away. I have no idea what’s coming, any more than I could have told you, writhing in agony, and covered in suppurating sores, naked and sleepless, what wonders lay beyond, for me. 

But I know what a remedy response looks like. And in 2024, America asked for a redose.

We are deeply saddened to inform you that InfoWars Reporter Jamie White was brutally murdered around midnight Sunday night due, in part, to the policies of the Soros Austin, TX D.A. Jose Garza
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